Enerpower 26650 3.2V 3000mAh (Blue)
Official specifications:
- Chemistry: LiFePo4
- Format: 26650
- Brand: ENERpower
- Manufacturer: Heter
- UL: MH48108
- Name: HTCFR26650-3000mAh-3.2V
- Nominal voltage: 3.2V
- Discharge Voltage: 2.5V
- End-of-Charge Voltage: 3.6V
- Maximum charging current: 9A
- Capacity: 3000 mAh
- Continuous load (in amperes): 10C (approx. 30A)
- Internal resistance:<15m?
- Pulse Load: 45A / 5 Seconds
- Weight: 85 g.
- Dimensions: 26.15 mm diameter / 65.60 mm length
- Protective circuit: NONE
- Lifetime: 2000 full cycles (100% DOD) / 4000 full cycles (80% DoD) / 6000 full cycles (60% DOD)
LiFePO4 cells in 26650 format, they can deliver a fairly high current.
The two cells has fairly well matching discharge curves and they have flat output voltage because they are LiFePO4.
These batteries do not have high capacity, but they can deliver a lot of current and output voltage is stable around 3V.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by batteridoktorn.se for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
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